W-S Tutoring is a leader in private tutoring for the SAT and ACT. Students have three options from which to choose:
Class series
Weekly Prep
Power Session
One-on-one instruction

Our Class Series is completely tailored to the needs of our students and is designed to deliver the most comprehensive, effective and engaging SAT/ACT preparation available. Most Series are held over a four-week period and offer a total of 16 hours of test preparation. The Weekly Prep option is an excellent way for students to get weekly practice. Anyone is welcome to drop in for a session. For those students who are pressed for time, the Power Session is an excellent option. Usually held the Saturday before a test (10 am to 3 pm with lunch provided), the Power Session provides last minute preparation to solidify concepts that will appear on test day. The 1-on-1 option provides specific instruction that is tailored to individual needs. Most students use this option to fine-tune their skills in weaker areas. Students can choose to focus equally on all areas of the SAT/ACT or concentrate on a particular area of weakness. Our sessions are customized to the individual learning needs of our students and are designed to maximize test-taking techniques and scores.
SAT Critical Reading
SAT Writing + Language
SAT Essay Instruction
ACT Reading